We're thrilled you've decided to stop by and pay us a visit. Here are some helpful information to make your visit as seamless and motivating as possible.
Our Church started with a small group of people who used to congregate in a small living room in Millsboro, DE. Today they're over 500.
We are blessed to be living in an age where a church congregation can come together in so many ways. Do you plan to be away and don't want to miss out on our messages? Join online wherever you are and you'll never miss another word. See in next Sunday!
Premieres weekly at 9:00am (PST) every Monday on Youtube channel and site
Here at Path Church, our message and mission is to help people know Jesus, stay curious and live out their faith.
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You're not meant to go through life alone. We're here to help you find your people and help you grow as a person growth, whether through a life coach or the power of prayer.
Our mission is to connect others to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our church is a community that welcomes anyone and everyone with open arms into the Bay Hope family.
This is a supervised private practice. It is owned and/or managed by a master’s level, non-independent licensee under Board-approved clinical supervision pursuant to A.A.C. R4-6-211. The Board-approved clinical supervisor of this practice is: Katherine Nisbet - Phone: (626) 838-3482 - Email: knisbet5@gmail.com